Emergency Physician House Calls™
Using America's First Portable ER®
Research proven and medically published to be
"Faster, Better and Cheaper"
than the busy hospital ER or the urgent care facility.¹â€‹
- Dr. Sterba has refocused his medical and surgical practice of "caring for those in greater need" ™ by providing full-time Advanced Medical and Surgical Wound Care in patient's homes in the Greater East Aurora, NY Area.
- Patients are not seen at Dr. Sterba's home.
- Saved by Grace Ministry, Inc. is a Better Business Bureau (BBB) Accredited Charity and is listed with Guide Star. Please see both links at the bottom of this page. Rest assured; we have never collected or shared any names or addresses of anyone who has confidentially donated on-line to Saved by Grace Ministry, Inc.
- Please make your tax-deductible on-line donation confidentially to "Saved by Grace Ministry, Inc." with PayPal or Credit Card Donate Button, below. We will gratefully receipt you for your tax purposes.
- Our Advanced Medical and Surgical Wound Care also includes surgical repair of lacerations, minor to complex or complicated lacerations using Plastic Surgical techniques, and caring for skin tears, abrasions, plus foreign body removal (e.g., splinters, glass, etc.)
- There is Good News.
- Dr. and Mrs. Sterba can mail you a full copy (or freely email you select chapters) of "The Textbook of Equipping for Disasters. Sheltering at Home" (6th Edition, January 5, 2024), which has greatly helped people during disasters.
- This "Textbook of Equipping for Disasters" is required for Dr. Sterba's at-home, hands-on skills training Seminars, "Basic and Advanced Equipping for Disasters". For more information, please go to the Tab, "Seminars and Publications".
- For example, Chapter Six, "Home Preparation Guide" in the "Textbook of Equipping for Disasters. Sheltering at Home" includes time-tested methods used by missionaries and the U.S. Military to purify contaminated water using gravity filtration methods and/or household regular and concentrated bleach with easy to follow, step-by-step instructions.​
- Chapter Nine, "Disaster Shelters" has the comprehensive "Generator Section" for operation of portable and stand-alone generators (gasoline, liquid propane, natural gas) including proper generator selection, safe use, avoiding carbon monoxide poisoning, maintenance, refueling, and long-term preservation and safe storage of gasoline.
- Most important is Chapter Two, "Prayer" from the "Textbook of Equipping for Disasters. Sheltering at Home". It has been recorded for you, below:
- Dr. and Mrs. Sterba can mail you a full copy (or freely email you select chapters) of "The Textbook of Equipping for Disasters. Sheltering at Home" (6th Edition, January 5, 2024), which has greatly helped people during disasters.

For details of either "The Textbook of Equipping for Disasters. Sheltering at Home" or the Seminars, "Basic and Advanced Practicing Medicine by Physician House Calls" please go to the Tab, "Seminars and Publications". Please contact Dr. John A. Sterba at: PhysicianHouseCalls@roadrunner.com ​
Dr. Sterba's well-received Healthcare Provider Seminar, "Basic and Advanced Practicing Medicine by Physician House Calls" with a Textbook and referenced handouts are available either in-person at physician's/NP's/PA's offices or homes, or by our convenient digital Take-Home Version sent out same day by Google Slides or by U.S. Mail (CD, thumb drive).
Research Publications (Emergency Physician House Calls and the PORTABLE ER):
1. Sterba, JA. Wound Care On The Go. ‘Portable ER’ Allows Physician to Reinvent House Calls. Today’s Wound Clinic. 2012, September: 18-21.
2. Sterba, JA. Emergency Physician House Calls™: Time, Outcome Benefits and Cost of Point of Care (POC) Laboratories Used with Community-based PORTABLE ER®. White Paper: Original Research. Saved by Grace Ministry, Inc., 226 Center Rd., East Aurora, NY 14052, December 11, 2017; 23 pages.
3. Sterba, JA and JE Sterba. Test and Evaluation of Two-Way UHF Business Radios during Emergency Physician House Calls™ Transporting the PORTABLE ER® in a Hilly, Rural Environment. White Paper: Original Research. Saved by Grace Ministry, Inc., 226 Center Rd., East Aurora, NY 14052, April 18, 2018; 49 pages.
Saved by Grace Ministry, Inc. has met Better Business Bureau's (BBB) Standards for Charity Accountability and is a BBB Accredited Charity. You can view the Saved by Grace Ministry, Inc. full Charity Review by clicking on the BBB Accredited Charity logo, here:
To see the GuideStar review of Saved by Grace Ministry, Inc., please click on the GuideStar logo, here:
Saved by Grace Ministry, Inc. has no public accommodations. Patients are not seen at the private residence of Dr. and Mrs. John and Janice Sterba.

Emergency Physicians House Calls™
"The Doctor Comes to You!"™
Providing Medical & Surgical Wound Care
-Pressure Injuries & Ulcers ('bedsores')
-Venous Leg (Stasis) Ulcers
-Arterial Insufficiency Ulcers
-Vascular, Neurologic and Nutritional Portable Lab Assessments:
*(ABI/TBI, TcPO2, Semmes Weinstein 5.07/10 gm, Vibration/DTR/Neuro, BMI, SFT, CMP)
-Close Coordinated Care with PCPs, Specialists; Records sent in 1-day
-All Major Insurances Accepted.
-No Insurance? Tax-deductible Donations Accepted
(Cannot treat Diabetic Foot Ulcers or Bariatric Ulcers At-home)
Avoid Risks of
ER and Hospital Infections, High Costs & Long Waits
John A. Sterba, M.D, Ph.D., FACEP, FACCWS
American Board of Emergency Medicine
American Board of Wound Medicine and Surgery
Fellow, American College of Emergency Physicians (FACEP)
Fellow, American College of Clinical Wound Specialists (FACCWS)
(716) 655-6854 (office)
(716) 998-7474 (cell)
Only in the Greater East Aurora, NY Area
Monday - Friday
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saved by Grace Ministry, Inc.
226 Center Rd.
East Aurora, NY 14052
Public Charity Founded in 1998
*Vascular Assessment: ABI/TBI (Ankle and Toe Brachial Index), TcPO2 (Wound Transcutaneous Oxygen Measurement with Regional Perfusion Index-RPI)
*Neurologic Assessment: Semmes Weinstein 5.07/10 gm (Protective Sensation Testing), Vibration/DTR/Neuro (Vibration Testing with 128 cps, Deep Tendon Reflexes, and Comprehensive Neurologic Exam)
*Nutritional Assessment: BMI (Body Mass Index), SFT (Skin Fold Thickness), CMP (Comprehensive Metabolic Panel) measuring steady-state blood protein levels (albumin and total protein) using the
PORTABLE ER® bedside Abbott Point of Care Blood Chemistry Laboratory, Abaxis Piccolo Xpress.