Please Contact Us
Please contact us at our Email address, PhysicianHouseCalls@roadrunner.com.
DONATIONS: Regarding donations, we use 100% of everyone's tax-deductible donations, all insurance Co-Pays, all insurance checks, all donated medical supplies and all grants for "caring for those in greater need" ™ in the Greater East Aurora Area.
To make your tax-deductible online donation confidentially to "Saved by Grace Ministry, Inc." with PayPal or Credit Card, please use the Donate button found on the Home page or on the Seminars and Publications page.
Rest assured; we have never and will never collect or share the name or address of anyone who has confidentially donated on-line to Saved by Grace Ministry, Inc.
Emergency Physician House Calls™ are very old fashioned, using the latest medical technology with our nation's first federally-registered, community-based PORTABLE ER®.